Home » CASE Envy Arsenal Extender Kit - Size: 26 - 3/4" screws, 52 - black rubber washers

CASE Envy Arsenal Extender Kit - Size: 26 - 3/4" screws, 52 - black rubber washers


CASE Envy Arsenal Extender Kit - Size 26 - 3/4 screws, 52 - black rubber washers

As with your portfolio, your Arsenal™ is made to expand to accommodate your book. Note that your portfolio should slide in and out of your Arsenal™ with ease, and be aware that it is quicker to expand the thickness of your Ice Nine™than it is to expand the thickness of your Arsenal™. Your extender kit consists of (20) 0.75" screws, and (52) black rubber washers. You will need a phillips screw-driver and about 15 minutes to complete the expansion of your slipcase.

STEP 1: use your screwdriver to loosen your screws from the top of your Arsenal™.

STEP 2: disassemble and ad black rubber washers to each side of your coupling until desired size is achieved.* *use the 0.75" screws supplies to expand your Arsenal to its maximum capacity.

STEP 3: place the top back on top of your newly expanded slipcase and secure the screws with your screwdriver.

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