Richeson Squirrel Classic Mop Brushes

Richeson Squirrel Classic Mop Brushes


If you're old enough, you will remember this brush from before World War II. Made of Pure Black Kazan Squirrel hair, it has the shape of a large round brush when wet. Originally, these brushes were made with quills of large sea birds for ferrules. Today they are bound with plastic and wire. The brush is a real treat to use.

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Overall Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews.

rating title date name city state/province country
Yarka Quill Brushes (5/5) Nov 8, 2008 Anonymous Juneau Al
  Excellent for silk painting. The improvement in your work from just having these brushes is well worth the cost.

The pictures below are offered as shape references. They are not actual size.

Size - Shape
List Price
Rex Price
Mop - Size: 2 (1/4")
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Rex Price: $49.63
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Mop - Size: 4 (1/2")
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Rex Price: $72.10
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Mop - Size: 6 (3/4")
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Rex Price: $99.00
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Mop - Size: 8 (1")
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Rex Price: $127.25
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