Fredrix Tryon Style 139 Acrylic Primed Cotton Canvas Rolls

Fredrix Tryon Style 139 Acrylic Primed Cotton Canvas Rolls

Fredrix Tryon Style 139 Acrylic Primed Cotton Canvas Roll - Size 60 x 100yd*

Universal PrimedEven texture, heavy weight cotton duck, of excellent quality and strength.

Universal Media Primed to accept oil, acrylic or alkyd paints, etc. Acid free.

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Overall Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews.

rating title date name city state/province country
the best (5/5) Apr 19, 2019 Amanda Wilner CORVALLIS MT US
  This is the best cotton canvas I have ever used
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60" x 6yd*
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Rex Price: $129.20
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