Home » Don Foster's Artists' Workshop CD

Don Foster's Artists' Workshop CD


Don Fosters Artists Workshop CD

Presenting a unique approach to learning how to paint! Don Foster is a credentialed university-level oil and watercolor instructor who for many years has taught annual outdoor workshop classes in Grand Teton National Park, Yosemite, the Canadian Rockies, and on the Hawaiian Islands. His easy-to-understand art course teaches and illustrates the necessary skills to achieve artistic success, regardless of subject, medium, training, or level of experience. Study at your own pace, and in the privacy of your home! This ground breaking CD guides you, step by step, through the picture–making process from conception to completion using your own reference material or from the over 100 photos of nature included.

The CD will work on any platform that has IE or Netscape 4.0 or better. It is made up of web pages and is navigated like a user-friendly web site. It is compatible with both Windows and Macintosh operating systems.

Be sure to read Don Foster's column The Turning Point, now appearing regularly in our Tip Zone. It will emphasize creativity and originality. And for more information on Don Foster and his program, you may visit his website, www.artistsworkshop.com.

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